Local now selects Interra's ORION-OTT for quality assurance of OTT video


Local now selects Interra's ORION-OTT for quality assurance of OTT vid…

ntc 0 6,347 2021.11.16 09:27

I am very pleased to inform you that Local Now, a streaming service provider has selected  ORION-OTT content monitor for quality assurance of  their services. As part of this adoption, Local now will continue to bring additional services under ORION-OTT monitoring in the coming months. 


ORION-OTT’s comprehensive quality assurance feature set, scalability, and  easy deployability is enabling our customers to further push the quality envelope and provide better QoS (서비스 품질) and QoE (체감 품질) to the viewers. Congratulations to James Cofer, Director of Sales, and the ORION team. 


Local Now is a great way for communities across the country to get news that’s relevant to them.  Powered by The Weather Channel and other content partners, this free streaming service focuses on more than 230 cities. It’s everything a person needs to get them through their day, from news, weather and traffic to the fun stuff like entertainment, parenting, food, pop culture and more.  Users can customize their experience by picking any city they want! Local Now is available on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Sling, Dish, Verizon as well as smart devices.


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